Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

I love the New Year. I look at it as a time to reflect on where I have been and where I want to go.  I am always surprised when I talk to friends and they say they don't make resolutions or set goals.  I'm always left thinking "If you don't set any goals for yourself how do you navigate through the year.  I see my new years resolutions (they are more goals than resolutions) as my map.  It's my plan to help me get where I want to go?   I have big plans (which I will be blogging about) for the new year but I'm starting with my finances.  I was reading an article by Libby Kane and she suggested the following:

1. Take a look at your finances. What is the big picture? Are you saving for retirement, college or to buy a home?  Figure it out.

2.  Build an emergency fund. Nothing else needs to be said.  Just do it!!!

3. Stop eating out and learn to cook those same restaurant meals at home.

4. Stick to your budget.  Walk away from impulsive purchases.

5.  Refrain from using your credit cards.  Whenever possible pay cash.

Another area that I will be working on improving this year is my health.  I have been doing a lot of research on the food processing practices in the United States.  After watching Food Inc. and Earthlings documentaries I no longer want to consume meat or support a industry that's driven by profit with no concern for humanity or the earth.  So in 2014 I plan to transition from a meat eater to a vegetarian.  Follow me on my journey to financial freedom and better health.